Join me On June 10th 12:00-2:00


We will be talking about breaking old habits/stories that no longer serve you. 
~What's working for you & what isn't.
~What story are you telling about yourself?
~Is it even your story? or someone else's?
~How do you check-in with yourself?
~Do you know what activates/triggers the story that is repeating itself?
All these questions can be old habits repeating themselves which create you to be sick and tired of the same old same old (story). Let's kick these habits so you can begin to see who you are on the inside and change the story you tell yourself to the story you know to be true on the inside.

Where does Movement fit in and why? 

We will experience some movement that is safe for your body so that you can feel safe when you are out of balance or falling back into old habits...these inspire creativity, allow you to breath again, to feel energy to do the new you. 

We will have fun! We will move a little! And we will begin to build your toolbox to bring you back into balance.